Welcome to...
South Worcester
Shooting Ground
Moving Forward
Getting back to

We are fortunate that on Wednesdays we have lots of space and time, so we feel the time is right to return to ‘pay and play’ clay shooting with no need for
pre booking –
Just turn up.
There will be 10 sporting stands and you will be able to buy 60, 80 or 100 bird cards on the day, but you will still need to progress in a clockwise direction.
There will be no compromise on social distancing, so it will be just as safe.
There can be no more than 6 people on a stand at any one time.
You can pay on the day for cartridges. Contactless card for amounts below £45.00 is our preferred option, but we will also be able to accept chip & pin card payments, cheques and cash.
The DTL will also be available, either 10 or 25 birds, which you will be able to book on the day. You will need to button this yourselves.
The novice field is once again available for anyone wanting to use it for practice, in preference to the main layout.
Introducing these options and greater flexibility gets us much closer to how it was before lockdown. Be prepared for a little waiting at times to allow the shooters in front to clear the stand - please be patient and tolerant to accommodate this ‘less regimented’ way of shooting.
Please wear a mask in the portacabin
Pre-book and pay for your clays over the phone.
60 Birds - £18.50
80 Birds - £25.00
100 Birds - £31.00
01684 310605
We feel we need to continue with the pre booking of time slots for the time being
The pre booking is to manage numbers and effectively maintain social distancing.
The squads start at 10.00 and 12.00.
Please do not just turn up on
phone beforehand to check availability, even on the morning.
We have had many enquiries about when we can re-start tuition.
Friday July 17th
but only on Fridays.
We will be opening the ground especially for ‘one to one’ tuition but only for experienced shooters with their own shotguns, so that we can observe the 1m+ social distancing.
Becky will be running the tuition, mainly with game shooters in mind. We will also take block bookings from syndicates who would like to reserve either a half or a whole day for their members.
The ground will not be ‘open’ for practice
just pre booked, exclusive, one to one, tuition or private parties.
With social distancing it isn’t possible to safely supervise novices.
Unfortunately, we are unable to allow private instructors to use the ground at the moment.
Phone 01684 310605 for details